Thursday, February 16, 2012

The Importance of Creativity

     In this video Ken Robinson is discussing the matter of creativity in schools. He states that is is just as important at literacy and must be properly integrated into schools curriculum. He tells us that we are being educated to grow out of our creativity. He says people need to rethink their view of intelligence, in a way that we value subjects at the top of the pyramid (like math and science) and include art and music and other creativity as well instead of pushing it to the side. He defines creativity as the process of having original ideas that have value and we need to use this gift wisely. He tells us that children are our future and we must educate them in their whole capacity so they can make something of it.
     I completely agree with what Ken Robinson is talking about in his speech. I remember going through school and never really being good at art or music and I believe it was because I was never encouraged to reach my full potential of my creativity. I remember art and music always being pushed to the back burner when it came to school. Now while working in a school and being around children, I see just how much they love to be creative with their mind and their bodies. I realize how much they learn by using their creative minds and how important it is to implement it into the classroom, especially young children.