Friday, March 30, 2012

Mr. Winkle Wakes

     I watched the video Mr. Winkle Wakes. I thought it was very sad but it is very true. It was about an old man who had been sleeping for 100 years. When he woke up from his 100 year sleep, he found the world had changed. He went to a building where everyone was using computers and phones and "strange machines." People were talking to other people on screens half way across the world. This scared him, so he went to the hospital and saw more strange machines. Machines that were keeping people alive. After that, he came to a school. When he went in the school, there were no crazy machines and everything felt the same to him that it did 100 years ago. He felt comfortable at the school, but nowhere else he had been.
     I thought the video was very accurate. I had never thought about it before, but it is so true! Everywhere else in the world is very up to date with new technology and constantly upgrading to the newest editions. So why don't schools?? People have become to accustomed to the way things used to be, and the way we used to learn. But out in the real world, that's not how it is, so it shouldn't remain the same in schools. We need to teach our students, not only to prepare them for what's out there, but to keep their interest and keep them up to date like the rest of the world.

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